Monday, November 4, 2019

A Little Trapping Humor for You

Yesterday morning I caught a porcupine. Over the years I have caught well over a 100 and released them No.problems. somehow I got 8 quills stuck in the back of my left hand.

Then the phone rings.  Ranchers says I have a bobcat in a trap and a bird hunter found it and called the game warden thinking I shouldn't be trapping. Bobcat season doesn’t open till December 1st here.

I get there, release the cat and get a claw stuck in the back of my right hand. It bleeds like a stuck pig! Bandage it up. Remake the set, bird hunter comes rolling up and drives over trap.on the other side of the road.and never slows down (pissed because Rancher told him to leave.)

I remake the road killed set and here comes the game warden.  Asks if he needs to search my truck for a bobcat...I laugh at him!. Checked my permit, checked trap tags, all good.